You've stumbled upon Chris Turner's Art-O-Rama and Den Of Shameless Self-Promotion!
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All Images Copyright Chris Turner. Use by permission only.
Sara returns as the French maid, always a treat to draw. These were charcoal with a bit of color, but I couldn't resist adding tone and a wash or two on the computer. (plus I fixed a couple of drawing boo boos after scanning) Oui oui, mon ami!!
Feeling a little down-at-the-heels? Lost the family nest egg on Red 23? Are Crazy Eddie and the boys looking to break your kneecaps?? Well, just stagger on in to Lucky Jack's Jackpot Lounge and take that happy dive into oblivion with Jack's All-In Go-For-Broke Crapped-Out Cocktail! Cheers!
I've been in the commercial art world since 1982 specializing in storyboards and concept art for the entertainment and advertising industries.I currently work full time doing design for theme parks, and unfortunately I'm not allowed to show any of my day-to-day artwork. I enjoy swapping notes with others in the art field, please feel free to share your website or blog links.